Galdessa, which is fringed with doum palms and overlooks the Yatta Plateau, provides a sumptuous yet wild magical experience for visitors eager to immerse themselves in a secret and unspoilt area of Tsavo East National Park. Wildlife sightings are common due to the camp's location on the Galana River, whether guests go on a game drive or stay at the camp to watch the native hippos, elephants, and other animals as they come to cool off in the river. Galdessa Camp, surrounded with doum palms and overlooking the Yatta Plateau, provides a magnificent and once-in-a-lifetime experience for visitors eager to immerse themselves in a secret and unspoilt area of Tsavo National Park. Wildlife sightings are common due to the camp's location on the Galana River, whether guests go on a game drive or stay at the camp to watch hippos, elephants, and other animals come to cool off in the river.